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- Leave Something Behind for wildlife
- From Land to Sea: Great Bear Rainforest Story Map
- Caribout Wolves
- Wildside Quiz
- Wildside
- Wolf Activist Kit 2022
- Donate – Your Impact Begins Today
- Herring in the Classroom 2022: An Education Kit for Teachers & Youth
- Self-Paced Herring Trivia
- This Can’t Still Be Happening to Wolves in B.C.
- #StreamToSea Photo Feed
- Takaya Raffle Giveaway
- #WildAuction2020
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- B.C. Government on track to kill 1,000 wolves
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- Cover Image for Overflow Popup
- Counting is Key
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- Bears
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- #WildAuction Static Feed
- #WildAuction
- Press Release: Family Day Highlights A Grim Reality: 34 Wolf Families Wiped Out By B.C.’s Failed Cull
- Send Wild Love Ecards
- Bait and Switch: The Hidden Costs of the Herring Food and Bait Fishery
- 2025 Herring Management Plan: Another Disappointment
- Farmed and Dangerous: Resource List of Scientific Research on Open-Net Pen Salmon Farms
- Video: 2024 in review
- Betrayed By Their own: Judas Wolves and the Tragic Fate of 44 Wolf Families
- Pacific Wild Journal 2024: Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest
- Joint Letter: 11 Organizations Call for a Herring Fishery Moratorium
- Casting Doubt: 10 Reasons to Ban Industrial Trawling
- Outnumbered: How Pink Salmon From Hatcheries Are Disrupting Wild Populations
- Return of the Great Bear Documentary: Virtual Screening Kit
- A concept of a plan: Open-net Pen Salmon Farming Update
- Webinar/Conference Room Technology Update Project
- B.C. Timber Sales Is Auctioning off Ancient Forests
- Results are in: Some wins, Some Losses this Herring Spawn Season
- Better Left Standing
- William Shatner Speaks up for Wild Salmon, Tells farms to F*Off
- Webinar: “Killer” Conservation in the Salish Sea
- A ray of hope? Reflecting on the 2024 Herring Spawn
- Wayne McCrory on Grizzly Bears, Biodiversity and Habitat Protection
- Herring – Gone with the Tides
- 10th Annual World Ocean Day Celebrations at Fisherman’s Wharf (Victoria)
- FUNdraiser Paddle and Ocean Clean Up
- Webinar: Charting the Course – Marine Conservation Amidst Climate Change
- Webinar: Land to Sea – Food Webs in the Great Bear Rainforest
- In the News: Wolves
- Press Release: Newly released figures reveal number of wolves killed in B.C. approaches entire wolf population estimate
- Low tide sketching class with Natasha Van Netten
- Predatory Pursuits: Unravelling the Dark Side of Wildlife Contests in British Columbia
- 14 Arguments Against the Herring Fishery
- Vermin or Vital: The dichotomy between ecological function and management of wolves in B.C.
- The Great Bear Sea: Anniversary of Endorsement
- 2024 Herring Management Plan
- Coexisting In Communities – The Urgent Need For Change
- In the News: Trawl Fisheries
- Press Release: Alarming Waste of Salmon by Trawl Fishery Revealed in DFO Report
- British Columbia’s Biodiversity Framework Fails to Prioritise Species at Risk
- Six Years Safe – A New Era of Being with Bears
- Fisheries Failure
- Pacific Wild’s Feedback on the 2023/2024 Draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Pacific Herring
- Pacific Wild Journal 2023: Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest
- Wolves and the Food Web
- Canada must Sign High Seas Treaty
- Herring and the Interconnected Coast
- September Field Notes: From Scat to Salmon to Solo Bubble-net Feeding
- Open Letter: 11 Points on Grizzly Bear Stewardship
- Resources for Teachers
- British Columbians Reject Return of Grizzly Bear Trophy Hunt
- Navigating Marine Protection: Sailing Through B.C.’s MPAs
- Complete the Survey on Grizzly Bear Stewardship
- In the News: Pushback against Grizzly Bear Protections
- The Cougar Coexistence Initiative
- Saying goodbye to the story of the “Big Bad Wolf”
- Open Letter: Grizzly Bear Stewardship Framework Survey
- Joint Letter: Support for Coastal Marine Strategy
- National Indigenous Peoples Day: Stories are Laws
- News Coverage: B.C. Government Releases 46 Wolf Cull Images
- B.C. Government Releases Disturbing Wolf Cull Images
- Joint Feedback from Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations on the British Columbia Coastal Marine Strategy Policy Intentions Paper
- Herring Spawn: A Springtime Spectacle Threatened by Overharvesting
- Reflecting on Eby’s 100th Day at the United For Old-Growth Rally
- Dead Wolf Linked to B.C. Cull Found Collared and Struggling to Breathe
- Indigenous Conservation Leads The Way For Ocean Protection At The IMPAC5 Global Conference
- Read Now: “Dragnetting Coastal Communities”
- IFMP Response: Recommendations for 2022/2023 Pacific herring IFMP
- Open Letter: Maximum Yield Strategies in Nahmint & the Nibble Theory of Old Growth Management Areas
- Job Posting: Video Editor
- Open Letter: Troubled Triggers: Correcting the Aim on B.C.’s Wolf Cull
- Opinion Editorial: Premier Eby’s Housing Solutions Need to Consider Environmental Cost
- Looking Ahead At 2023
- Pacific Wild Takes on COP 15, UN Biodiversity Conference
- The Return of the Great Bear
- Joint Letter: Outlaw Wildlife Killing Contests
- Pacific Wild Journal 2022: Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest
- Joint Letter: Confront the Climate Emergency
- An Open Reply: Recall of Assault-Style Weapons in the Public Service
- The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) is demanding that the Province puts a full-stop end to wolf culls and unethical hunting
- Trawling for Truth
- Times Colonist: BC Conservation Officer Service accused of purchasing ‘military-grade’ assault rifles
- Province must recall assault-style rifles issued to staff
- Job Posting: Wildlife Specialist
- 5 Benefits of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
- Terrestrial Phone Backgrounds
- Marine Phone Backgrounds
- ABCs of MPAs
- MPA’s with Susan Conrad
- Ropeless Whalesafe Fishing Gear
- Powering Field Research and Content: Strigo Partnership
- Celebrating International Wolf Day with #wolf-stories
- What is a Forest Worth?
- The Girl and The Geese — A Story to Celebrate Indigenous People
- World Nature Conservation Day
- Interview with Ellie Lamb: Grizzly Bear Whisperer & Wildlife Guide
- Environmental charity calls on MPs to cease granting federal wolf kill permits
- Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Weasel?
- Raising The Call To Protect B.C.’s Coastal Waters This Oceans Week
- Canada’s Oceans Week Kicks Off Today — A Pacific Coast Perspective
- Wild Auction — A Wild Success!
- Pacific Wild Alliance Launches Online Auction Funding Conservation Efforts in British Columbia
- Photography & Conservation: An Interview with Daisy Gilardini
- An Introduction to Marine Protected Areas
- #InvestInOurPlanet this Earth Day
- Photography & Conservation: An Interview with Ryan Tidman
- Fishers Struggle to Fill Already-Reduced Quota in Strait of Georgia Herring Fishery
- UBCIC Passes Resolution in Support for BC First Nations’ Territorial Management
- Press Release: Unsustainable Herring Roe Fishery Opens Amidst Calls for Moratorium
- Pacific Wild’s Response to Commercial Herring SOK Fishery Closure
- Introducing Howl2Horgan
- Environmental Coalition Launches New Campaign to End B.C. Wolf Cull
- Protecting Pacific Herring
- Radio Canada: The River Walkers
- Media Follow Up: B.C. Wolf Cull Renewal
- Times Colonist: B.C. extends wolf cull despite nearly 60% opposition
- Press Release: B.C. Wolf Cull Approved for Five Additional Years
- Pacific Wild’s Recommendations for the Pacific Herring IFMP
- Pacific Wild Journal 2021: Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest
- Data Deficiency: The Salmon Dilemma
- Double Your Giving Impact This December
- Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs Letter of Support
- Event Follow Up: Wolves at the Ledge
- Press Release: Pacific Wild Delivers 500,000 Signatures Opposing Provincial Wolf Cull Program to the B.C. Legislature
- Event: #SaveBCWolves at the Ledge
- Our Legal Fight to Save B.C. Wolves Continues This Fall
- Our Top Questions To Ask Your Newly Elected MPs
- Ghost Gear: The Silent Killer of Our Oceans
- Trawl Transparency: Why Sustainable Fisheries are Impossible Without Real Transparency
- Extreme Heat has Serious Repercussions for Pacific Salmon
- Canada needs Enforceable & Actionable Regulation within Marine Protected Areas
- Ian McAllister moves into new role as Conservation Advisor
- Celebrating Coastal Wolves on International Wolf Day
- An Overview of Bottom Trawling in Canada
- Update on our Legal Fight to #SaveBCWolves
- Press Release: Court to Review Lawfulness of BC Government’s Wolf Cull
- The Modern History of the Nechako River: From a Healthy Ecosystem to an Industrial Canal
- Open Letter: Wildlife Killing Contest
- Celebrating World Oceans Day from #StreamToSea
- Pacific Wild vs. the B.C. Government
- Letter of Support for Oak Bay Resolution
- Police Act Reform Submission
- National Observer: BC kills 237 wolves while court challenge of air hunt pending
- Press Release: B.C. Kills 237 Wolves While Matter Before the Courts
- Put Earth First Today!
- The Declining Economic Value of Pacific Herring
- The Fairy Creek Blockades: A Last Stand to Protect our Last Stands
- Herring are Worth More in the Water than in Nets
- Pacific Herring are Critical to the B.C. Coast Ecosystem
- Traceability: Where Do Commercially Fished Pacific Herring End Up?
- BC needs to change its sad history of wolf management
- Pacific Herring Management in 2021
- Press Release: Government mismanagement to blame for substantial Pacific herring decline
- Read Now: “The Fighting Fish”
- Pacific Wild Journal 2020: Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest (Digital Version)
- Salmon Counting Projects on the Coast
- Blind Management, Uncounted Rivers
- Why Are Rivers Left Uncounted?
- B.C. Provincial Election Results – What Does It Mean For The Environment?
- Video: SFU Researchers Count Salmon in Heiltsuk Territory
- Top Threats to Pacific Salmon
- Salmon in the News
- Ghost Runs: The Salmon Crisis Continues
- Pacific Salmon Species Spotlight
- 7 Reasons Why Salmon Count
- Salmon Feed Forests
- Salmon: A Foundational Species
- Wild Auction 2020 Excitement Builds In Lead Up To Bidding
- DFO Fails To Meet Key Salmon Conservation Deadline
- Environmental group takes B.C. government to court over legality of controversial wolf cull
- We’re Taking the B.C. Government to Court
- B.C. Wolf Cull Latest Facts
- Make Ryan Pay!
- We Wai Kai & We Wai Kum Nations No Longer Approve Fish Farms In Their Territory
- Black Lives Matter
- Digital Updates from our Executive Director, Ian McAllister
- World Biodiversity Day – A Coastal B.C. Perspective
- Pacific Herring Hit Hard by Irresponsible Fisheries Management Once Again
- Art for Takaya
- Celebrating the life of Takaya, the lone wolf of Discovery Island
- Earth Day – A Message From Pacific Wild
- Brewing Up New Ways To Save Pacific Herring
- Sharks Are The Sign Of A Healthy Marine Ecosystem
- COVID-19: Pacific Wild’s Response
- 500,000 Thank Yous on Behalf of B.C.’s Wild Wolves
- CFAX 1070: Depleted Herring Fishing
- Globe and Mail: Herring roe fishing opens despite dire warnings about the health of the fishery
- CTV National News: Protesters call for closure of B.C.’s last herring fishery
- PRESS RELEASE: DFO Opens Controversial Herring Fishery Despite Critically Depleted Populations
- Global News: Environmentalists criticize controversial 2020 herring fishery
- CTV Vancouver Island News: Groups Say Herring Stocks at Risk of Overfishing
- National Geographic Kids: Surf Pups
- CBC: Tensions rise ahead of B.C. herring fishery season
- Cease and Desist Letter Issued to B.C. Government for Controversial Wolf Cull
- Salmon Wild: The Circle of Life
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: DFO sets Salish Sea herring harvest rate at 20 per cent
- Press Release: Salish Sea Herring Collapse Looms As DFO Bows to Industry, ignoring its own science, indigenous knowledge and public outcry
- HELITTŦE SȽOṈ,ET (Let Herring Live)
- HELITTŦE SȽOṈ,ET (Let Herring Live)
- Position Statement Regarding Anmore Bear Cub
- Public Safety Advisory Issued for Aerial Wolf Killing
- Comox Valley Record: Opponents call for closure of herring fishery in Strait of Georgia
- Over 4,000 BC black bears killed in last 8 years by government agency
- Straight of Georgia Herring – One Step Closer to Extinction
- DFO moves to open controversial herring fishery
- BC Wolf Cull Timeline
- Pacific Wild Journal 2019: Look at What We’ve Accomplished Together
- HELIT TŦE SȽOṈ,ET (Let the Herring Live)
- Strait of Georgia Herring in Steep Decline
- Open Letter Regarding “Predator Reduction for Caribou Recovery”
- Provincial Government Intends to kill 80% of Wolf Populations in Parts of Central B.C.
- Provincial Government Intends to kill 80% of Wolf Populations in Parts of Central B.C.
- Press Release: Senior Compliance and Enforcement Specialist Leaves B.C. Government for Wildlife Conservation Organization
- Encounters With Wolves
- Let the Trees Grow Old
- After Another Industrial Fishery, Herring Still Need Our Help
- The Tyee: BC’s Herring War, and the Sacrifice of the Salish Sea
- Columbia Valley Record: Opponents Want Federal Government to Shut Down Roe Herring Fishery
- Chilliwack Progress: Opponents Want Federal Government to Shut Down Roe Herring Fishery
- Pacific Wild’s Top Ten Arguments Against the Strait of Georgia Herring Fishery
- The Economic Value of Pacific Herring in the Strait of Georgia
- Global News: Critics blast B.C. herring fishery
- The Publishes Insightful Review of Great Bear Rainforest IMAX
- You’re Invited! A Deeper Look Into The Great Bear Rainforest IMAX
- Victoria Times Colonist Review: IMAX is a ‘Catalyst’
- National Post Review of The Great Bear Rainforest
- Variety Reviews Great Bear Rainforest IMAX
- Maclean’s Magazine Review of Great Bear Rainforest
- GlobalTV BC Interview: Ian McAllister Talks About Filming the IMAX
- Great Bear Rainforest IMAX Featured in USA Today
- Environmental groups to take fight for herring international
- January 2019
- Pacific Wild Journal 2018: Look at What’ve Accomlished Together
- Times Colonist: Bid to Close Roe Herring Fishery Gains Support
- Top videos of herring spawns
- Blood Water by Tavish Campbell
- Of Rights, Roe and Reconcilation
- Pacific Wild receives new autonomous hydrophones and recorders for the Great Bear Sea Hydrophone Network
- What Does Marine Protection Look Like in the Great Bear Rainforest?
- Ryan Reynolds to narrate the upcoming documentary Great Bear Rainforest
- Ryan Reynolds to narrate the upcoming documentary GREAT BEAR RAINFOREST, a visually stunning journey to one of the last wild places on earth, to be released in select IMAX® and Giant Screen Theaters worldwide on February 15, 2019
- LNG Project in the Great Bear Rainforest threatens whales and marine life on B.C. Coast
- What Does Marine Protection Look Like in the Great Bear Rainforest?
- Great Bear Live Part II: Looking Forward
- A History of Great Bear Live Part I
- Ten Reasons We Want Fish Farms out of B.C. Waters
- Coastal First Nations welcomes the passing of the Oil Tanker Moratorium Act
- Federal Government Takes a Crucial Step Towards Enforcing the Species at Risk Act to Save BC’s Mountain Caribou
- Smothered Beauty
- On Earth Day, Government of Canada targets plastic waste and marine litter with launch of online consultation
- Loss of South Selkirk mountain caribou herd a wake-up call for B.C. and Canada
- Pacific Wild receives new autonomous hydrophones and recorders for the Great Bear Sea Hydrophone Network
- Government of Canada introduces new protections for fish and their habitat
- Minister LeBlanc announces independent expert panel on aquaculture science
- Additional measures being developed to protect B.C.’s environment from spills
- Proposed BC-Canada Agreement to Protect Mountain Caribou Is Toothless
- Government announces a full and total ban on the grizzly bear trophy hunt
- Post-Shoot Reflections
- Calling for an end to bear hunting in British Columbia
- I Call The Great Bear My Home
- Sea Otter Awareness Week
- Government of British Columbia to end grizzly bear trophy hunting — after the 2017 fall hunt
- Rockfish Need Marine Protected Areas
- A Quiet Ocean
- Protect habitat, don’t kill wolves: government scientists admit wolf cull is inhumane, yet propose expansion
- Why were two young cougars killed in Ocean Falls this winter?
- The 40-Year-Old Federal Salmon Study That Should Have Killed Pacific Northwest LNG
- Courts asked to rule on B.C.’s controversial wolf cull
- Mine shut down after pollution spill at Yellow Giant gold mine
- Heat wave adds to salmon’s migratory obstacles
- B.C. caribou herds face extinction despite government protection
- Fighting Over Herring- the Little Fish that Feed Multitudes
- Fisheries minister ignored advice from own scientists
- Give DFO Feedback on Pacific Herring Management
- Call for an End to the B.C. Wolf Cull
- Calling for accountability and consideration toward our wild neighbours.
- Urgent call for a moratorium on industrial trawling to protect the oceans
- Pressure canada to keep their promise to remove open-net salmon farms from b.c. waters
- End Wildlife Killing Contests in British Columbia
- #SaveBCWolves: Tell B.C. Government to Release All Wolf Cull Images
- Tell Minister Guilbeault to Stop Airborne Civilians From Shooting Wolves in BC
- Tell Minister Lebouthillier You Support 30 by 30
- Voice your opposition of B.C.’s unsustainable herring fishery
- Join Our Save BC Wolves Online Wolf Conservation Community
- #BIGlittleFish
- Petition to Suspend the Herring Fishery in the Strait of Georgia
- Coexistence: Humankind and WolfKin
- Pacific Wild is Taking the B.C. Government to Court
- Ecology & Interconnectedness: The Importance Of Salmon In The Great Bear Rainforest
- Stop the ongoing persecution of wolves across the province: Judas wolves
- See What We Accomplished Together In 2018
- Bear Witness: A Film by BC’s Coastal First Nations
- Jordan Wilson On Why MPAs Are Important
- Great Bear Rainforest IMAX Trailer
- Strangely Beautiful Mola Mola Swims in the Great Bear Sea
- The Banks Island Mine Disaster
- Pacific Wild: An Ocean Falls Retrospective
- What does marine protection mean to you?
- No Tankers
- BC Government Admits Culling of Wolves is Inhumane and Ineffective
- Speak Up for the Scott Islands
- Whale Haven
- Spring Spawn