The provincial wolf cull program is unsustainable, unscientific, unethical, and unacceptable to British Columbians.
Since 2015 the B.C. government has spent over 10.1 million tax dollars killing 2,192 wolves.
B.C.’s wolf cull program is an ecologically, economically, and ethically offensive approach to wolf “management”. Apex predators like wolves help regulate species health and play a critical role in maintaining a functioning ecosystem. From songbirds to the shape of rivers, wolves have a profoundly important place in the food web and the landscape yet they are being killed by the hundreds every year by the B.C. government.
The Province continues to allow logging and fragmentation of critical habitat in endangered caribou herd areas while scapegoating wolves as the culprits of the caribou’s decline. 136,229.07 square kilometres of habitat have been lost within caribou herd ranges due to human disturbances. This habitat loss has steadily increased since provincial and federal governments were tasked with caribou recovery in 2003.
According to researchers, without protecting and restoring the old-growth forest that caribou depend on, the wolf cull is at best a “palliative measure.” Killing wolves stalls the push for true protective recovery. Experts in Alaska are reporting that the Mulchatna caribou herd populations continued to decline despite decades of wolf and bear killing.
The provincial wolf cull program is unsustainable, unscientific, unethical, and unacceptable to British Columbians.
Learn more about Pacific Wild’s SaveBCWolves campaign.
Send a letter today to demand an end to B.C.’s wolf cull program.
If you don’t live in Canada, you can copy-paste the text in the letter below (or write your own message) and send it to the following people:
Honourable Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, Nathan Cullen,
Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Steven Guilbeault,
Premier of British Columbia, David Eby,