In Deep Trouble
(Bottom Trawling)
Bottom Trawling, the clear cut of the ocean floor, is the most destructive fishing method wiping out vulnerable fish stock and destroying coral reefs. Non-target and endangered species are falling victim to these nets and are tossed overboard as bycatch. Bottom trawling is responsible for releasing more than one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year by disrupting carbon stored in the seafloor.
Check out our recent articles on bottom trawling.
Salmon Count
In recent years, the rivers of B.C.’s north and central Coasts have seen devastatingly low salmon return. Historically hundreds of spawning populations provided a huge annual influx of nutrients to creeks and rivers throughout the Great Bear Rainforest, but many of these runs have become devastatingly low. There has never been such a sense of urgency over the state of salmon on the B.C. coast.
Learn more about our Salmon Count campaign.
Big Little Fish
(Pacific Herring)
Herring are a cornerstone of marine biodiversity on the B.C. coast, however, a wasteful commercial sac-roe fishery is threatening herring stocks and the sustainable First Nations spawn-on-kelp fishery that dates back thousands of years.
Learn more about our Big Little Fish campaign.
Save BC Wolves
Out of 17 herds of B.C.’s southern mountain caribou, only 13 remain, and all are highly endangered. Four southern mountain herds in B.C. are extirpated, or locally extinct, including two herds that became extirpated in 2019. Since 2015 more than 1,000 wolves have been unlawfully shot and killed in the province’s highly controversial culling program — costing taxpayers more than $2 million. Yet cutblocks are still being approved in the already fractured old-growth habitat that mountain caribou rely on for their survival.
Learn more about our Save BC Wolves campaign.