Return of the Great Bear Documentary: Virtual Screening Kit

Return of the Great Bear documents an inspiring and heart-felt story of people coming together to make a difference for wildlife.

Featuring Chief Councillor of the Kitasoo/Xai’xais Nation Douglas Neasloss, renowned bear biologist Wayne McCrory, and pop icon Miley Cyrus this short documentary explores the potential futures of grizzly bear conservation with stunning  wildlife cinematography from Ian McAllister.

  Grizzly bears are a symbol for what is wild, but sadly they have disappeared from most of their range in North America. The only small pockets of land where grizzlies still roam free still exist on the west coast of Canada. As one of the slowest reproducing land mammals in North America, grizzly bears are vulnerable to many threats, particularly hunting. This film tells the story of the decades-long fight to ban grizzly bear trophy hunting in British Columbia. While a ban took effect in 2017, the future of grizzlies is still uncertain. Bans have been overturned in the past as the power in government shifted and in a time of shrinking salmon runs, climate change, industrial logging and pushback from hunting lobbyists now more than ever it is critical for people to come together again and fight for what is wild.

This film was created on the Nuxalk, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo / Xaixais, Gitga’at territories.

virtual screening

If you are interested in hosting your own screening of this event for the friends and colleagues in your circle,  we are offering a limited-time virtual screening package leading up to the B.C. provincial election. Links to the film and more materials will be available from October 8 to the 18th.



In this kit you will find everything you need to stage your own screening completely free!

  • A link to the film (available Oct 8 – 18)

  • Film discussion guides

  • Promotional tools including posters and trailer

want to help?

Making a donation will help us continue making films to raise awareness about critical conservation issues such as this!

Contact to donate or browse ways to give.