Pacific Wild supports the protection of ecosystems that can sustain biodiversity throughout the Great Bear Rainforest & the northwest Pacific region.

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Join our uncanadian campaign to get f***ing open-net pen salmon farms out of bc waters


First Nations have an uncontestable right to fish for wild salmon; it is central to First Nations’ culture and traditions. Irrefutably, open-net fish farms threaten wild salmon, and the majority of First Nations and Canadians support the removal of open-net salmon farms. To this end, 120 First Nations in BC support the ban on open-net salmon farms. Collectively, we support a transition to land-based salmon farming, but another five years is too long. By 2029, it will have been 17 years of open-net pen farms, after the Cohen Commission’s recommended removal in 2012. There is still no transition plan in place. More than half of Pacific wild salmon runs are in decline with many listed as endangered or threatened.

Our message to the commercially focused multinational salmon farming industry is that wild salmon cannot withstand another five years of a threat to their survival. A transition to land-based farming must be actioned now.

from land to sea: Great bear rainforest story map

Explore the food web of the Great Bear Rainforest with this ArcGIS-powered Story Map and learn how species interconnect to feed coastal temperate rainforest ecosystems and coastal communities. On this interactive site, immerse your senses in the beauty of the Great Bear Rainforest, take a tour through the food web, explore the science and learn how you can take action to help conserve British Columbia’s precious marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Waterfall and B.C. coastal rainforest landscape

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Your support is essential and together we can create enduring conservation achievements on the ground and in the waters of coastal British Columbia.

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Fish farms

Fish Farms Out

There is an urgent need to hold DFO accountable to their commitment to remove open-net salmon farms by 2025, as inaction poses a severe threat to the survival of wild salmon in B.C.

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Save BC Bears

It’s been six years since the government announced that there would be no more trophy hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia. However, your voice is still needed to help keep grizzly bears safe for years to come.

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