Video: SFU Researchers Count Salmon in Heiltsuk Territory

For the last 13 years, Reynolds Lab researchers have been counting salmon in 25 salmon streams in Heiltsuk Territory. Get a glimpse into their process and learn about the importance of salmon monitoring in B.C.'s smaller streams which are often overlooked by the government.

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Data Deficiency: The Salmon Dilemma

Pacific Wild recently completed an in-depth analysis of salmon enumeration data, compiled from the Pacific Salmon Foundation Salmon Explorer and DFO New Escapement Salmon Database. This research determined how many salmon spawning streams are monitored and counted on a yearly basis and identified voids in data collection.

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Blind Management, Uncounted Rivers

The very foundation of salmon stewardship requires the annual monitoring of thousands of watersheds in coastal B.C. in order to assess the health and abundance of spawning salmon, yet in the last 15 years, DFO funding for salmon escapement programs has been cut by over 60%.

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