Stories & News

Counting is Key

Data Deficiency: The Salmon Dilemma

Pacific Wild recently completed an in-depth analysis of salmon enumeration data, compiled from the Pacific Salmon Foundation Salmon Explorer and DFO New Escapement Salmon Database. This research determined how many salmon spawning streams are monitored and counted on a yearly basis and identified voids in data collection.

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Open Letters

Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs Letter of Support

Today, the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) delivered a letter to Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources. The letter supports our work to #SaveBCWolves and calls on the government to immediately halt the wolf cull program which commenced in the South Selkirk and South Peace regions in 2015. It also urges the government to cease efforts to extend the program for another five years.

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Our Top Questions To Ask Your Newly Elected MPs

As Canada elects a new government, we want to ensure our supporters have the tools to communicate with newly elected MPs in their home communities. Here are some questions relating to our main conservation campaigns for you to ask and converse with your federal representatives.

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Wild Salmon

Extreme Heat has Serious Repercussions for Pacific Salmon

The heat dome in June, followed by the August heat wave, may have caused serious repercussions for our already struggling Pacific salmon populations. Salmon are already at risk due to a combination of factors, including increasing wildfires, habitat loss, logging and other climate disasters. The recent heat is only exacerbating their vulnerability.

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Bottom Trawling

An Overview of Bottom Trawling in Canada

Large bottom trawl nets are currently being dragged along Canada’s seafloor, wiping out vulnerable fish stocks, coral reefs and other invaluable ecosystems. Non-target and endangered species are falling victim to these nets and are tossed overboard as bycatch. Furthermore, bottom trawling is responsible for releasing more than one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year by disrupting carbon stored in the seafloor.

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Update on our Legal Fight to #SaveBCWolves

After two full days in court, our case has made headway. The judge is engaged, and he is giving enough time to hear the case which is rare in animal law cases. While court time was originally set for only two days, the judge has deemed that at least three more days in court are required.

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