Stories & News


In the News: Pushback against Grizzly Bear Protections

Grizzly bears are listed under the Species at Risk Act and have some protections in place in Canada as well as in the United States, including B.C’s ban on the grizzly bear trophy hunt which was put in place in 2017. However, pro-hunting sentiment has remained and there are concerns that protection measures for grizzlies may be threatened on both sides of the border in 2023.

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Conservation & Photography

The Cougar Coexistence Initiative

Mollie Cameron runs The Cougar Coexistence Initiative; monitoring cougar presence across Vancouver Island and working within her community to help minimize human-wildlife conflict.

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Saying goodbye to the story of the “Big Bad Wolf”

This blog post and video explore four different perspectives on how humans can and should learn to coexist with wolves. Jonah Keim a biologist and research scientist discusses alternatives solutions to the wolf cull such as blocking access roads with trees and soil to reduce wolves’ easy access to endangered caribou.

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Marine Protection

Joint Letter: Support for Coastal Marine Strategy

The Coastal Marine Strategy is a comprehensive plan to address the health and stewardship of marine ecosystems and resilience of coastal communities. The strategy, co-developed by the Government of British Columbia and Indigenous Nations, underwent a public consultation period from December 15, 2022 – April 14, 2023.

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