Stories & News

Open Letters

Open Letter: Wildlife Killing Contest

Pacific Wild in collaboration with 80 other groups are British Columbia have signed on to the United We Stand For Old-Growth Forests. Today, and every day, we, the undersigned, stand together in an unpreedented show of unity againsit the destruction of old grwoth forests. Standing strong for future generation.

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Marine Protection

Celebrating World Oceans Day from #StreamToSea

In the leadup to #WorldOceansDay on June 8th, we are celebrating Canada’s watersheds. More than 28 million Canadians live inland with only 13% of people living within 20 km of the ocean. However, no matter where you are, in Canada or the world, you still reside in a watershed.

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Police Act Reform Submission

Pacific Wild’s submission to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia for review and consideration with a specific focus on the BC Conservation Officer Service’s role as a law enforcement service provider in British Columbia

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The Economic Value of Pacific Herring is in Declining

The Declining Economic Value of Pacific Herring

Herring fishers are making a fraction of what they made decades ago, for the same quantity of fish. Not only has the price of herring declined, but herring populations throughout B.C. have displayed a long term decline in size-at-age, making them less desirable to fishers.

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